A new created of NKH, Camping kukri which is recently published to our valued customer. This kukri is one of the many new additions to the vast and exceptional collection of Nepalese Khukuri House. The kukri name has given so because of its additional extraordinary characters unlike commoners with the blade measuring solid 31cm long blade, a belly of 5.9cm, and a spine width by the bolster of 8mm and 3mm by the point, with a weight of 621 grams. The handle is of stick tang (pura paro) type made of Wood, with steel mounts, and the kukri is housed in traditional styled scabbard and frogs, with the karda and chakmak utility knives.This knife happens to be the combination of the famous, unique and successful features of some of the new khukuri made by Nepalese Khukuri House. This outstanding piece of true craftsmanship will make any opponent or enemy go down on your knees. The kukri shape has given as "World War" early Gurkha issue type, more coverage, Better, bigger and longer but yet easier, high graded carbon steel and the blade finish into semi polish. The kukri is exactly same which we supplied to Tora blades base in UK.
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